It is crazy to me that we essentially have 10 weeks left of this pregnancy. We are right at 3/4 of the way through! That feels like no time at all and an eternity all at the same time… which I think is pretty much the definition of pregnancy! I definitely feel like the bump grew a LOT this week!
Baby’s Size: Baby girl is the size of a head of cabbage–roughly 16 inches long and 3 lbs.
Baby’s Progress: She is still just getting bigger and developing more– her eyesight is improving and her brain is developing, she is also beginning to regulate her own body temperature (which might explain why I seem to be hot all the time now).
Weight Gain: I gained another half a pound last week, so I’m at around 11 lbs up total.
Sleep: It hasn’t gotten any worse, and I’m still getting some pretty good sleep a night, so I’m not going to complain.
Milestones: We finished off most of the big pieces of the nursery (I’ll post about those later this week!) and I had an amazing baby shower this past weekend, so baby girl is for sure feeling the love around here! We definitely don’t have everything we will need for her, but if she showed up today (which we are hoping she won’t for 10 more weeks!) we wouldn’t be at a total loss!
We also took some maternity pictures this weekend and the weather ended up beautifully for them, so I can’t wait to see how they turned out!
Favorite clothing item of the week: The dress I wore to my shower was a last minute purchase from A Pea in the Pod (I think it’s actually Ann Taylor designing for them) and looked great, plus since we have a few weddings to attend coming up, I’m sure I’ll get some more use out of it!
Symptoms: My back pain is mostly gone, and thanks to a friend I have a maternity support belt to use when I need it from now on. I still have trouble standing in certain positions without my back hurting, but I think this is definitely live-able for the next two+ months. All the pregnancy things seem to think that stomach issues will get worse considering she is going to be pushing all up on my internal organs. So there is always that to look forward to…
Workout: that didn’t happen.
PS. If you missed any of the updates, you can check them all out here.

I love you and your baby bump!