So a while ago I shared with you all my Master To Do List for this house. And then my mom called to tell me she needed a nap just from reading the exhausting list! But about 3 1/2 months later, and we can actually check a whole bunch of things off this list! (Mostly that is due to hiring a house painter to do all the house painting–best decision ever). But I thought it was high time to give you guys an update on where we stand in this house… especially since I’m starting to feel like this home is truly us! It is always amazing to me how long it takes to feel settled in a new place. So without further ado… an update.
Living Room:
Hang photos- Do something decorative with the mantle- I hung a picture, but so far I’m still fairly uninspired
Paint- Hang Curtains- I bought curtains… but haven’t hung them since I haven’t found a long curtain rod that will fit our space yet!
- Wire up the house wide surround sound- this is on the back burner since I think it will take about 1,000 to buy another piece of equipment to do it right, and we just don’t need a house wide sound system that badly
Dining Room (Lexie decided she needed to be in all my pictures!)
New RugHang PhotosPaint- Remove MASSIVE mirror- the mirror is actually growing on me… so until I get some inspiration on what to do instead, it stays
Replace the flooring (see below in Kitchen for details)- Replace that light fixture. I don’t love the yellow and brown light fixture, so I’m on a hunt to replace it with something a little more us–but so far all the ones I fall in love with are outrageously expensive, so until we find something more in our budget… it remains
Paint- its been an ongoing debate in our house about whether to leave the red of replace it, but I think we’ve settled on changing it out for something more neutral/soothingPaint the island-the two tone thing isn’t really my styleGet barstools of some kind- Put in double ovens (forever on my to do list; somehow never at the top of what to spend our money on…)
- Replace the kitchen sink: it is very small and has chipped down to the metal, so eventually this will get swapped out for something more useful
Replace the light fixture over the tableI never posted about this, but the husband and I loved our new light fixture in the last house, so when we went to list our house, we swapped it out with something we weren’t as attached to so that we could bring it to the new house, and I still love it!Replace the wood floors
plant some flowersNew patio furniture (this was a gift from my parents for Christmas so when it gets warmer out I just have to go pick it out!)- Buy pool stuff- toys,
towels,floats, etc.
Downstairs guest room-
PaintHang curtains that aren’t bizarrely short- Put in new shelving in the closet
Hang PhotosSwap out desks
PAINT PAINT PAINT- Find matching nightstands
Hang picturesSeating area in front of window
Master Bathroom
- Repair shower and bathtub faucet
Replace knobsPaint trim white– our painter actually added this to his list for DIRT cheap… so I am so grateful to not be painting over that brown paint on my own!Paint Cabinets- New Curtains- so far I haven’t missed having curtains in here, so this falls pretty far down the list!
Organize Closetsthey aren’t SUPER organized… and nothing like our old Elfa closet but they are working for us, so I’ll count this as done- Storage Cabinet over toilet
Unpack the boxesBaby FurniturePaint- Decorate- I still need to hang things on the walls, but this room is getting dangerously close to being done!
- Put a new top on the bookshelf that will be wide enough for a changing table
Bonus Room:
PaintAdd BookshelfHang PicturesHang Curtains
Office/Craft Room–This is probably our most unfinished and unposted about room on the blog. Eventually I’ll get to it…
Finish Unpacking- Build a craft desk/make craft closet more useable
Paint?- Hang Pictures
Swap deskOrganize Desk
Upstairs Bath- This will be the baby’s bathroom, so I imagine it’ll be overcome with bath toys in the very near future
New VanityStrip WallpaperPaint- Shelving?
- Turn coat closet into a ‘drop zone’
- Unpack/organize garage
- Power wash front driveway- turns out we don’t have a faucet out front… making this a lot trickier!
Spruce up the front curb appeal
And I’m adding to the list:
- Build a workbench
- Park a Car in the garage
- Figure out wood storage
- clean off shelves
- Hang Bikes
- Epoxy the Floor
Attic Space:
- Figure out some sort of organization
- Unpack the final boxes

Everything is looking so great!!!! Cannot believe how much you’ve gotten done!
I am so impressed with all of this! You have accomplished so much! It looks amazing!