Today is our little nugget’s 2 month birthday! I cannot believe how fast these two months have flown by! The husband and I were looking back through her pictures last night and were just amazed at how much she has changed in such a short amount of time! Two months is sort of bittersweet for me since it means I go back to work full time and she goes to daycare. I have absolutely loved the time at home with just her and me, but I also feel like its the right amount of time for me to go back to work.
But she also gets to celebrate this milestone by getting her shots today and I hear that can be quite traumatic (for mothers and babies alike!).
I love this precious little smocked onesie, Taylor however prefers soft and comfy clothes… so no shock there, she is going to be like her mother! But since she looks so dang cute in these dresses and uncomfortable clothes, I’m going to keep dressing her in them!
And this little black and white number was a hand me down from our good friends, but I think she looks precious and it might be one of my favorite outfits on her! Plus I love her little smile in this picture and that she is looking at the camera!
And this little Navy outfit was the first thing I really bought for her and I think it is really cute! I know these pictures are going to get harder and harder to take as she gets more and more active, but I love watching her little legs kick around as she figures out how to use them!
And Mom brought Taylor little onesie from her trip to Krakow this spring! And baby jeans might be the most impractical but cutest thing EVER. I am kind of in love with them. Seriously, how cute is she?!
And this isn’t one of her ‘weekly photos’ but I couldn’t resist posting it… I just love her! Look at that face! But you know… I’m biased and so in love with her little expressions!
This stage of her life is so fun, she learns new things every day! She has started smiling a whole lot and following us around with her eyes. You get to start to see a personality which makes those middle of the night feedings WAY more bearable!!
Milestones: She can smile spontaneously, lift and hold her head up (mostly), and she follows objects with her eyes and has started batting at the objects on her play mat. She has also started sleeping a 5-6 hour stretch at the beginning of the night. We went on our first road trip and had our first hotel stay!
Reese was in a wedding outside of San Antonio last weekend, so we took the 5 hour road trip to San Antonio. My dad was kind enough to fly down to San Antonio to babysit during all the wedding festivities. But while her daddy was doing wedding things with the groomsmen, my dad and I took her to visit the Alamo like every good Texan should! I was a little worried about how she would do in the car, but she was a champion and slept almost the entire way down and back. And she even had good nights of sleep in her pack n play in the hotel!
Likes: She still really loves eating, but she also loves reading books… she lays with us every night and watches as we read them, very attentively! Her favorites are Farmyard Beat and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. She loves talking walks and being outside.
We also got a hand me down Mommaroo which is AWESOME. When she is fussy it is one of things that calms her down most often. Its a little rocker thing that simulates different movements and you can change the speed and direction and all that… it is MAGIC.
She has started sleeping longer stretches at night, so I’m really only waking up once in the middle of the night to feed her and she usually goes to bed without much of a fuss. So I’m crossing all of my fingers and toes that this lasts and that she will always be a good sleeper!
Dislikes: tummy time, being alone in a room (even for a second), bedtime, changing clothes, and 7pm. I’m not sure what it is about that time, but she gets fussy and grumpy and nothing will console her. We’ve started moving her bedtime up and that has helped.
Mom loves: her smiles, how she looks at me from a little ways away even if someone else is holding her, and how when I stick out my tongue at her she will mimics it back to me. I’m sure I’ll regret teaching her that when she is 3, but it is pretty precious now. And she thinks it is really funny, so I get great smiles while we do that. She also loves when we say ‘how big is Taylor’ and put her hands up to say SOOOO Big. And really, these days I’ll do just about anything for a smile.

She is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen! That little face is just so precious!