When I was renting a 1920s house with almost 0 counter space my twin brother gave me his old microwave cart that looked very similar to this one:
I think he originally bought it from Target for somewhere around $75. Since that light wood finish didn’t match ANYTHING in my kitchen, I gladly repainted it. But I wanted it to be a little more exciting than just plain white, so I painted the bottom half white (with Rustoleum’s Semi-Gloss White). and then sanded and stained the top half using Minwax’s Dark Walnut.
This is what it stayed like for a long time, and there is just something I love about the clean look of white wood with a dark wood top, but once I painted the kitchen a light blue, the stark white of the bottom clashed a bit with the not quite off white of the cabinets. So I decided I needed something with a little jolt of color thrown in the mix. I went and bought a quart of paint from Home Depot. The color is a Behr color, but I can’t for the life of me remember the name or find the old can, when I do, I’ll update you!
I just taped off the wheels and the top and painted the bottom. It took me maybe 45 minutes of work time (with a few hours of dry time in between). And I love how fun it looks in the middle of the kitchen.

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