Okay now that I’ve updated you on all my summer travels (here and here), I’ll show you one of the projects I managed to squeeze in! When I moved into my house 3 years ago one of the things I really didn’t like was the light fixture over the kitchen table, which you can see here:
It may not seem like much of a big deal, but the first thing I thought when I saw this was that the alien ships were landing all over my dinner plate. AND its the first thing you see when you walk in from our garage (how we enter the house 99% of the time). So it was pretty high on my I WANT TO CHANGE THIS NOW list. (don’t worry… that’s just a mental list, not written down anywhere). But I also knew that I wanted it to be a night light fixture and much to my chagrin… those things don’t come cheap! So I did what any smart girl did, and asked for it for my birthday. And by asked for it, I mean sent my husband an email with a link to a picture of it :). Here’s the link in case any of you want to pass that along to someone who loves you.
But it was so worth it because look how pretty it is! (PS that’s the same table, just with it’s leaf extended below and not above)
It has 4- 60 Watt bulbs, so it gives off quite a bit of light, especially down onto the table, which is perfect. And I like the fun weave pattern it casts on the ceiling:
And now the view as you walk in from the garage is much more appealing and much less 80s spectacular.

Love it! Although, I am kind of going to miss the aliens.
Love it! Although, I am kind of going to miss the aliens.