I showed y’all yesterday what is soon to be my husband’s new study but by nature of moving the guest bedroom out of there, we needed somewhere else for our guests to stay. The logical choice here was my office (I love all our house guests, but I’m not sharing my bedroom with them!). When I last showed it to you guys, it looked a lot like this:
Since we moved the twin antique oak bed into my husband’s office, we put the double bed in this room.
It is definitely a bit of a tighter squeeze than it was before, and to accommodate the larger bed we had to take a section out of the desk (you can see below where the extra section is supposed to connect). It is still plenty of desk space for me whenever I do work at home, and I love the new duvet. It just so happened that I had a couple of gift cards I could ‘purchase’ with points from my credit card, so of course I chose Pottery Barn and bought this duvet. I think it is an awesome pop of color in the gray room. I still need a few pillows to add some contrast, and for sure need a bed skirt… how fashionable is that box spring above?
But it works for now and is a pleasant room for me to spend time in when I’m working at home!
The camera collection is still exactly like it was, and I think it frames the bed nicely.
And PS after I finish writing this I’m going to go wash the duvet to get those creases out! When I get those other things checked off the list, I’ll show it to you again!

I love it!
Hi, I came across your room on pinterest. I was wondering what color the duvet read as…more red or coral? In your room from the photos it looks more of a coral, but on PB website it was appearing more red. I’m looking at doing a similar color scheme. Also, do you have a source for the curtains? I didn’t see it mentioned, sorry if I just missed it. Thanks!
Jennifer, sorry for the delayed response! The color is definitely more coral, leaning towards the pink-ish side in my room. The curtains are from Z-Gallerie. I bought them sometime last year, but it looks like they still have them here. Thanks for stopping by!