I feel like I have started just about every post this year apologizing that I have been busy and time got away from me so I haven’t posted lately! And today is really no different. I think it has just been one of those years for me! And I hope that things will calm down for me soon… but all evidence is to the contrary! But in the meantime, I’ve been working on a few projects I’ll share with you! Just because I’m busy doesn’t mean I have quit working on projects… it just means they take 3x as long to complete!!
And since it is October, that means Halloween is just around the corner! Halloween is one of my favorite holiday’s of the year (there aren’t many that I don’t love… but I do love Halloween) and I have thrown a Halloween party the last three years, and this year will be no different! I’ve already mailed out invites and am starting to work on a few crafty things to prepare for the party.
I stopped by TJ Maxx Homegoods a couple weeks ago (I told you projects take longer than they used to…) and found these gold beauties for $4.99 a piece. And bad blogger, I forgot to take a before picture with the glass in them! Scroll down to see what the orangish glass looks like if you want to have the proper mental image in mind.
Well gold isn’t really my style, but I knew a quick coat of spray paint and they would be perfect for my front porch for Halloween! So I hauled them out into my front yard (I’m sure my neighbors love me). And gave them a quick coat of black metallic spray paint, along with what will eventually be the shelves in the husband’s study (which is seriously the longest room transformation EVER). So just ignore those pieces… and focus on the spiderwebs.
And then I let them dry, replaced the glass, and presto change-o they look perfect on my front porch! And I think they’ll look even better on Halloween all lit up!
Stay tuned this week to see a few more things I’ve been working on!

Those are awesome! Great find!