I’m a bit of a fabric hoarder. I mean… I come by it honestly: my grandmother has the same affliction. But really… its a good problem to have. It means that whenever I have the itch to sew something, I don’t have to run out to the store to buy anything. The problem becomes when it goes to storing it. In my office I have a closet where I keep my sewing machine and a few crafty things. And while the boxes of craft supplies have suited me pretty well, the fabric was getting a BIT out of hand.
So I went to my normal source for inspiration and found that LOTS of people on Pinterest were using comic book boards to wrap their fabric around. So I went to Amazon, found these and ordered them. (You should have seen the look on my husband’s face when he opened THAT amazon package!)
And one quick hour and I wrapped up my fabric onto their little cardboard pieces:
Lexie, of course, decided she needed to supervise.
And when all was said and done it looked MUCH improved from before. I added a few Elfa dividers that I had laying around. They don’t fit perfectly on my IKEA shelf, but they helped keep things somewhat upright and organized.
Now I’ll have to work on some more sewing projects!

Wow! Nice work! So organized!