So this week’s bump recap is my 39th week, which means my due date was officially yesterday, making baby girl late!! You know, its funny, when they told me June 29th was her due date it never really occurred to me that she might not come until after the 4th of July! But we have an induction date scheduled for July 7th, so if baby girl doesn’t make her appearance before then, we will have a 7/7 baby! But since she isn’t here, you get another recap!
Baby’s Size: She’s now the size of a baby… ! Haha, in all seriousness, we have another sonogram to check her well being today, so we’ll know a little bit more, but she’s probably somewhere in the 7-8 pound range still, which feels like a good size.
Baby’s Progress: She’s moving quite a bit, and since she is so full in there you can see her movements pretty well, so that’s been kind of fun to watch!
Weight Gain: I’m holding steady right at the 25 lbs weight gain, and since I haven’t really gained much this week I think it’ll stay right in that range.
Sleep: Oh man, sleep. I love sleep. I’m trying to soak up every ounce of sleep I can before Baby Girl gets here, but of course I am 9 months pregnant, so it feels like sleep is a fleeting pleasure. I definitely have to get up quite a bit to go to the bathroom, and she wakes me up kicking every now and then. But without much to do before Baby Girl is born, I am going to sleep as early as I can.
Milestones: We passed our due date! And we will officially meet Baby girl in the next week, so that feels pretty huge! But other than that, we are just waiting… waiting and more waiting!
Favorite clothing item of the week: My swimsuit. I mean don’t get me wrong, I don’t actually like the piece of clothing that is the swimsuit, but I do really love sitting in the pool. And swimming makes my swollen feet feel so much better! I have gotten in our pool pretty much every day for the past week!
Symptoms: The swollen feet are my biggest symptom, we went to a movie on Saturday night and by the end of the movie my feet were swelling over my shoes! I took them off in the car and the look on my husbands face was pretty classic… you could see the lines where my straps were! That’s really my biggest symptom other than being exhausted and everything being harder to do.
Workout: I walked a few times and I’ve been swimming a bit, but no, workouts are definitely not happening until after I recover from Baby Girl’s birth.
There is not much else happening other than just waiting for her arrival. I finished everything on my to do list for before Baby Girl is born, so I’ve been just crafting a few things which if I get a chance I’ll share with you this week!
PS. If you missed any of the updates, you can check them all out here.

HOORAY!! I can’t wait to meet this sweet baby girl.
You are a beautiful mother and Reese is pretty awesome, too!
You are a warrior! Praying for you, baby girl, and Reece. Wishing you all continued blessings.