Moving two weeks before Christmas is a little insane. No, not a little insane… A LOT insane. So our strategy was basically to just survive and to work on the areas we most needed: kitchen, living room, dining room, our bedroom and closet. But we left areas like our offices, crafts & fabrics, garage, etc all packed up and ready to deal with at a later date ( I originally said after the new year, but since we are after the new year and I don’t see me dealing with all that in the near future we are going to just say… in the future).
I did find a few Christmas boxes when we were unpacking and talked Reese into buying a last minute Christmas Tree from none other than my favorite Orange Big Box Store, Home Depot. We decided to go cheap and small and went with a 5 foot tree (which fits since both Reese and I top out just over 5′) and we ended up loving it so much I think we’ll stick with that size from now on!
That combined with my already red decor (and kitchen that is currently painted red) means that the house looked halfway Christmas-y. Which is good because that is where we ended up having my family’s Christmas. And it felt good spending the few days surrounding Christmas not worrying about unpacking or what updates we need to do when.
This next picture is the front living/dining room at the house, I actually hosted 10 people for dinner on Christmas Eve, so having the large room worked out pretty well! I should have taken a picture of it when it was all set with my china and a 12 days of Christmas tablecloth from Williams Sonoma, but alas, I was enjoying the time with my family and didn’t grab a photo.
We still don’t have any pictures actually hung up in the house, but the 6 poinsettias that the youth at our church sell as a fundraiser did a good job of brightening the room up.
For Christmas my mother-in-law and I schemed together to get the arcade machine that my husband had redone in college moved into our house, and so the majority of our Christmas holiday the boys spent doing this:
My dad loved playing Galaga like he had done as a kid, but my husband is still clearly the reigning champ… which my mother would say is a sign of a misspent youth.
Speaking of my mother, it was so fun to have them come and see the new house and spend Christmas down in Texas with my brother and I and our spouses. We did manage to snap a photo of them in front of our Christmas tree… how cute are they??
So I’m alot late in posting this Christmas recap, but better late than never right??

The picture of your parents is awesome! Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!