Our Wedding on GRO Designs Blog!

When I was planning our wedding, a good friend recommended a florist whom she went to college with and had also used for events she has done in her position doing PR for a hospital.  As soon as I walked into GRO Designs I knew I wanted to use them.  Their storefront in an off-beat neighborhood near downtown Dallas had such a wonderful design aesthetic that I KNEW they just got it. They understood what good design was and had a drive to create beautiful things.  I promise more details about the wedding very soon, but I was just so excited that they shared our wedding on their new blog that I had to share!


In my family, flowers are important, so I knew they were one of the things I didn’t want to skimp on for the wedding.  The women in my family have absolutely the highest standards for floral arrangements, so I knew they would be hard to please.  Fortunately, GRO more than fit the bill.  I had several of my family members compliment the flowers and state that they were the perfect compliment to both the ceremony site and the reception.

If you want to check it out… here’s the direct link: Gro Design’s Blog