Y’all… I had the BEST weekend. My twin brother is marrying one of my favorite people in the whole world next weekend, and this last weekend I had the privilege of hosting a couples shower for them! I am so excited for them to be married and I LOVED getting to participate in throwing them a shower! We knew their guest list was pretty extensive for this shower since it was for quite a few of the people at our church that have helped shape Arthur into the pastor that he is now. Since we knew that, our senior pastor and his wife offered to open up their house for us to throw the shower in! It was a perfect location and the weather was beautiful (being the humble person I am… I’m totally taking credit for the GORGEOUS weather).
The flowers for the wedding are a combination of pinks and purples, so we embraced that as the theme for the shower… check out our spread:
We served BBQ Meatballs, Chips & Guacamole, stuffed peppers, a cream cheese dip, caprese skewers, veggie cups, and fruit skewers on the food table. For decor we used burlap squares, tissue balls and tulips.
But the real food winner for the day was the dessert table:
The cheesecakes are a family favorite, my dad and I tag teamed them this time, but they are really my dad’s specialty and Arthur’s absolute favorite. But my favorite were those cookies… my co-host Emily made those and they are for real the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever had. I may or may not have eaten one for breakfast on Sunday. And by that I mean… I had two.
Speaking of my co-host, her daughter and I unexpectedly coordinated outfits, so I had an unexpected (second) twin for the day! How cute is she?!!?
Sharon (whose home we were in) is a whiz at flowers… and she had BEAUTIFUL tulips to decorate the tables and despite being early in the season she made her backyard shine with fabulous flowers
For our entertainment I had the happy couple and both sets of their parents play The Newlywed Game. It ended up being a quick, hilarious game. I just asked 5 questions, this picture is from the last question: Who does/will do more chores?
Their answer? The other one. That should be fun to figure out who is right! It was such a fun game to play!! I love Becky’s family so much, and they have loved Arthur and welcomed him into their family with open arms. I couldn’t have asked for a better set of in-laws for him!! PS… they won the Newlywed Game, aren’t they cute celebrating?!
The circle garland on the mantle was a quick craft I made for the shower and I was A-MAZED at how easy it was… I will definitely be making more of these… and just for you, I’ll post a tutorial on that later this week! Update–tutorial posted!
And we just sprinkled a few white frames around the house for more decor:
And for favors I had a friend of mine bake up and decorate some fabulous sugar cookies and set them next to a framed copy of the invitation:
In case you want a closer look at the invite (altered for privacy of course) I whipped up in photoshop and had printed at mpix.com (love that site), here it is:
I’ll have a post on that coming this week too with font names, etc.
Overall it was a FANTASTIC shower for two fantastic people. I think this picture sums up how wonderful and full their lives are:
I am so blessed to have them in my life and can’t wait to celebrate everything with them this weekend!!