Bump Update Week 28

I have now completed week 28 of pregnancy, which means I officially have 11 more weeks to go.  I’m firmly in the 3rd trimester, and getting bigger by the minute. Things are getting increasingly hard to do (like bending over, putting jeans on, lifting anything), but there are moments when I feel just like pre-pregnancy me and I am continually surprised to look down or pass a mirror and see just how large this ‘bump’ has gotten.  Pregnancy is a crazy experience.

Anyway, on with the update:


Baby’s Size: Baby girl is butternut squash sized and anywhere from 2.5-3 lbs.

Baby’s Progress: She is pretty much at her birth length, so will just spend the next 11 weeks getting fatter and adding muscle. She is moving around a TON in there because she has room to do so, but will quickly be running out of that room, so pretty soon her rolling around will just be elbows and jabs.

Weight Gain: I gained about half a pound last week, so I’m at around 10.5 lbs up

Sleep: Ahhh sleep, some nights its great, some nights… not so much.  Regardless of the night I usually have to get up at least once to go to the bathroom, and a couple of nights my sore back has woken me up and kept me from getting good sleep, so we will hope that goes away soon.

Milestones: The great news is that I passed my second glucose test! If you fail the one hour test, you have to go back to the clinic to drink their super sugary drink, and then sit for 3 hours getting a vial of your blood taken every hour on the hour.  So I look a little like a bad heroin addict with bruised needle marks in my arms after getting stuck twice in each arm, but the test is over and I don’t have gestational diabetes, so I’ll take it.  There was a moment about 45 minutes into the test that I didn’t think I was going to make it.  They have you fast for at least 8 hours before the test (only sips of water) and about 45 minutes into the test I started to feel pretty miserable, but the great ladies at the clinic let me lay down and I didn’t pass out or throw up (which would have meant doing this all over again), so I’ll call that a win.  My results were all way under their threshold, but interestingly enough, my levels went up between hour one and two when all of the online info indicates that it will spike and then gradually decrease, so that’ll be a question for my doctor this week.

Favorite clothing item of the week: Old navy Maxi Skirt.  I went with my BFF to do a little comfy 3rd trimester shopping at Old Navy, and found a skirt for about 12 dollars with coupons, and paired with a jean jacket and cute necklace it is the perfect comfy summer outfit

Symptoms: This week the big symptom has been incredible lower back pain.  I’ve had some lower back pain in the past, so I kind of figured I wouldn’t escape this one during the last trimester.  Its hard to tell whether the pain is just from normal pregnancy stuff or because I worked too hard planting flowers on Saturday.  But I’m taking it easy for the next few days to see if I can get it to subside a bit.

Workout: that didn’t really happen this week… although like last week, I was pretty active during the week doing my normal daily life, so its not like i’m sitting on the couch eating candy.  Or at least not all the time!

PS. If you missed any of the updates, you can check them all out here.

Bump Update Week 26


Baby’s Size: Baby girl is cauliflower sized this week.  She is about 2 lbs and 14.5 inches long and sometimes she feels every bit as long as that! I think sometimes she stretches out from head to toe just to see if she can kick both sides of my belly.

Baby’s Progress: Her brain is getting more active, her lungs are developing, and she is sleeping and waking at regular intervals.  And she might have had the hiccups once, but it was kind of hard to tell.

Weight Gain: My scale broke (and yes the husband made jokes about how his pregnant wife broke the scale.  That went over well.) so I didn’t get my normal weigh in on Sunday morning.  But at the doctor on Monday I am up a total of 8 pounds from when I started this pregnancy, so my doctor is pleased with my progress.

Sleep: I have slept really well this week, probably because it was a VERY busy week with lots of activities, so I was really tired every night!

Milestones: Not really a baby milestone, but we had some guests in town from Japan and hit up many cool things to do in Dallas, so Baby girl got to go to the Perot Museum, the Zoo, the Bush Library, and the arboretum for the first time.  She of course won’t remember any of it, but I will! I’ll post later this week on all the things we did!

Favorite clothing item of the week: Maternity shorts.  They have to be the MOST unattractive thing ever to pull out of the package.  There is definitely more fabric above the waistline than below, but since we were walking around the arboretum and the zoo in 85 degree weather, I was very happy to not be wearing jeans. I have these shorts from Gap and I think I will live in them for the summer!!

Symptoms: Gloriously symptom free and she is kicking pretty often which is fun! She did have one day this week where I only felt her move once or twice which sent me into a nervous panic, but she compensated by kicking hard ALL DAY the next day.

Workout: We walked and walked and walked some more this week as we showed Dallas off to the girls from Japan, so I definitely didn’t need to be working out in addition to that.  It also reminded me that I am glad we went to the zoo when it was in the 80s and not during the heat of the summer.  I was plenty warm as it was!

And this marks the official end of the 2nd trimester… hard to believe I am 2/3 of the way done.  Or actually some days… that’s not so hard to believe… 9 (or actually 10) months is a LONG TIME!!

Bump Update Week 25

You guys! I had the MOST productive weekend ever!  Seriously, the husband and I (mostly him) got much of the downstairs bathroom completed, finished up several projects around the house, started a few more and got a few more pictures hung on the wall.  I’ll have updates on a lot of those projects coming this week and next, so stay tuned!



Baby’s Size: Baby Girl is almost 2 pounds and 13ish inches long. There really isn’t a fun fruit this week.

Baby’s Progress: She can now see, but since its really dark in there, there isn’t much to see.  Her lungs are developing more and gaining more fat every week… better for those chubby cheeks and fat legs I love about babies.

Weight Gain: I gained 0 lbs this week.  Not sure how that happened.  I definitely have not been restricting on the diet!

Sleep: Sleep hasn’t changed much from last week. I should really learn to quit drinking so much water right before bed, but water always sounds so good and its not that bad to get up a few times in the night.

Milestones: We finished painting her crib this week, so now we just have to move it up to her room and assemble it (and get a mattress) and she’ll have a place to sleep when she arrives! We are also under 100 days until her due date, which feels like a really long time and a really short term all at the same time!!!

Favorite clothing item of the week: I spent a good portion of the weekend in gaucho pants while we worked on knocking off items from my to do list.  I’m pretty sure I have had these same pants since high school, and they are definitely not the most flattering clothing item I own, but since they are super comfy and I don’t care if they get messed up while working on projects they were the perfect thing to wear.  They are similar to these (but I’m pretty sure mine were from Old Navy)

Symptoms: A couple of times this week I was hit with waves of nausea again, so I’m hoping that was a freak occurrence and that it isn’t coming back for the 3rd trimester.  And I can burp like a teenage boy, but overall I feel pretty good.

Workout: I’m still walking and being pretty active working on the house and other things, but didn’t really go workout much this week.  Maybe I’ll be better next week?