Week 34 Bump Update

Sorry this post is a little late and a little scattered!! My parents and grandmother got to spend the weekend with us which has been super fun, but not so conducive to catching up on the blog!!



Baby’s Size: She is about 4.5-5 lbs… here in a few weeks we’ll have a sonogram to get a better idea of what size she really is… but my doctor thinks she is tracking right on schedule. The books say he is about the size of a honeydew melon.

Baby’s Progress: Her liver is fully developed and her kidneys are working now too… so its just weight gaining time! She is theoretically running out of room in there… but that doesn’t seem to have slowed her down much!!

Weight Gain: I’m about a pound from last week, so  around 16 lbs up.  However I FEEL huge.

Sleep: Sleep has definitely been harder this week, although we have had tons of storms and other things going on, so I’m going to blame those and hope that my sleep comes back to normal (or as normal as possible) this next week!

Milestones: This has been a pretty calm week, so it sort of feels like the calm before the storm.  Most of the things on my checklist for before baby are done, but I’ve still got awhile left before she is supposed to come!

Favorite clothing item of the week: Definitely my pregnancy jeans… as I get bigger and bigger I appreciate the support band in the top of my jeans.  I have two pairs: one from A Pea in the Pod and one from Ann Taylor the Loft….and they are pretty much all I wear these days unless I need to look a little nicer.

Symptoms: Really they are the same symptoms as last week… I waddle, its hard to breathe, everything is a little tougher.  And I spill food on myself and can’t even see it. True story… my family was in town for memorial day and we went to PF Changs… I spilled a whole little bucket of sauce on myself.  The waitress was so nice and brought over a wet rag to clean it up.  But when I stood up after the meal I realized I had missed a whole spot that had spilled where the belly meets my leg.  I smelled like soy sauce for the rest of the afternoon.

Workout: We went shopping on Saturday and I walked quite a bit. And I’m starting to regret putting this little category on my bump update sheet… I was so optimistic in my first and second trimesters… I had NO IDEA how hard walking would be!

PS. If you missed any of the updates, you can check them all out here.

Week 33 Bump Recap

Week 33 is complete which means we have officially moved into the stage where even if baby girl is born today she will likely have no long term effects from being born early.  Which is sort of surreal since it means we are getting much closer to when she is fully cooked and ready to come out and meet us!! We have 6 weeks left! 6 weeks! That’s not very long!!!

Fortunately the finishing touches are going into the nursery, she has clothes that are washed and dried and put away, diapers awaiting her arrival, and a car seat to come home in… which in my book counts as close enough to ready! I still have a few things I want to accomplish before she gets here–like sewing a few onesies and fun things, cleaning out the freezer and then filling it up with some meals for later, and doing a little extra organization around the house, but those are things that if they happen are wonderful, but if they don’t… we will survive!

So without further ado, this weeks Bump Recap:



Baby’s Size: As you can tell by my ever expanding belly and the strain it is putting on my shirts, baby girl is growing just fine! She is about 4.5 lbs right now according to the books. The app says she is about the size of a cantaloupe, but in my world cantaloupes are smaller than pineapples which is what it told me last week… so lets just go with large fruit sized, and although it might feel like I swallowed a watermelon she isn’t THAT big yet.

Baby’s Progress: Apparently her fingernails are fully grown… and since cutting baby fingernails terrifies me, that is a scary progress statistic! Other than that, her skin is becoming less translucent and her body organs are getting stronger!

Weight Gain: I gained about a pound last week… so all together I’m about 15 lbs up from where I started.  On the how I feel scale… I feel like I have gained about 50 lbs and someone filled my legs with sand. But the scale doesn’t exactly back that up.

Sleep: Sleep is mostly fine, I definitely get up a few times a night, and when I roll over sometimes I stretch the ligament at the base of the belly which is extremely painful.  The first time it happened I kind of freaked out because it was so sharp a pain, but it happened close to a doctor appointment and I asked her and she said that is fairly normal.  It really is amazing to me what counts as ‘normal’ during pregnancy!

Milestones: I am finished travelling until after the baby comes.  I survived a week of travel around Nebraska (which had me super nervous that something would happen and I would have to be put on bed rest so far from home, but fortunately it all went very smoothly).  I did fly to Nebraska and back and the flight attendant definitely gave me a wary look when I got on the plane… you could tell she was thinking: PLEASE don’t have any issues on this flight.  Since I was thinking pretty much the same thing, I didn’t fault her for that thought process!!

Favorite clothing item of the week: I wore my work polo for the vast majority of this week since we were having our open houses at each store location, and they fortunately still fit… definitely with a tank top underneath, but they fit and didn’t look too tight, so i’m not sure that counts as a favorite, but I’m grateful they still fit!

Symptoms: I waddle. A LOT. And I feel like someone filled my legs with sand which means if I stand for too long I get really tired. Breathing is also pretty difficult, but they say that will improve when she shifts down a bit.

Workout: My hotel room was on the 3rd floor and I walked the stairs most of the time last week.  That felt like enough of a workout.

PS. If you missed any of the updates, you can check them all out here.

Week 32 Bump Recap

Yeah, I meant to have a few more project updates last week for you guys, but life got a little busy and I didn’t get them finished and posted.  But I do have another pregnancy update for you!

I’m at the end of my 32nd week now, and so I’m really starting to feel how close I am to the end of this pregnancy and getting to meet Baby Girl! The nursery is mostly finished, just need to hang the last of her pictures, the sheets and some clothes are washed and ready for her so we are pretty much physically ready! Now we just have to get there mentally! (just kidding… mostly) I have a little bit more travel for work in the next week, so I’m hoping for the next weeks to be uneventful and the travel to go smoothly!

week32 Baby’s Size: Baby girl is the size of a pineapple, the doctor says she is right on track so around 4lbs this week.

Baby’s Progress: Nothing much has changed in baby girls progress over the last week, except that I can tell she is getting bigger and starting to run out of space.  Her movements are less rolling around like they have been the last few weeks and more localized and intense! But I do get to feel her move all the time, which is still really fun, and  Reese has gotten to feel her quite a bit too!

Weight Gain: I gained about a half pound last week… so all together I’m about 14 lbs up from where I started and I have 7 weeks to go.

Sleep: I have been having pretty crazy dreams this week and getting up pretty regularly to go to the bathroom… so my sleeping isn’t always so great, but I can still fall asleep and don’t have a problem going back to sleep if I wake up, so I think it could be worse!

Milestones: Reese and I had a whole weekend of pretty much nothing on the schedule, so we were lazy, went out to dinner and breakfast and just generally spent time together.  Rumor has it that will be harder with an infant, so we are trying to soak up the us time before it becomes more scarce!

Favorite clothing item of the week: I’m not sure it counts as a favorite, but one of my favorite tunics from pre-pregnancy still fits and looks cute! I’m not sure its a good sign that I’m so huge and some of my pre-pregnancy things fit so well, but since it means I have a better wardrobe without buying so much pregnancy wear!

Symptoms: Oooh, breathing is harder, walking is harder and all of a sudden I feel kind of huge! I told my husband this week that I feel like the stay puff marshmellow man.  But since I’ve escaped some of the worst of the 3rd trimester symptoms, I’m going to be grateful and not complain.

Workout: Due to massive amounts of rain and generally feeling like I can’t breathe most of the time… workouts haven’t really been happening at all.

PS. If you missed any of the updates, you can check them all out here.