Things have been a little baby-centric around here… so sorry for all of you who aren’t so interested in that sort of thing! But we have found some time to settle into our house in other ways, and one of the big rooms that I feel is getting close to that ‘settled’ point is our master bedroom. Let me state that this room is HUGE. Like I have no idea what to do with the space huge. And since we really don’t hang out in our bedroom all that much it feels a little like wasted space, but that’s not changing, so back to what is changing!
First off let me show you what we saw when we toured the house:
It wasn’t terrible, but it totally wasn’t our style. Before we moved in, we replaced the carpet, so on move-in day, it really looked like this:
Call me crazy, but those golden brown walls just don’t do it for me. So when we had the house painted, we had them go ahead and take this room to light french gray with the rest of the house.
On my MASSIVE HOUSE TO DO LIST (which totally needs to be updated), I showed you some of the things we wanted to do to this room… and fortunately, we’ve finished most of that!
Master Bedroom To Do:
PAINT PAINT PAINT- Find matching nightstands- I found lampshades… does that count?
Hang picturesSeating area in front of window?
And now our room is looking a lot more peaceful and relaxing and definitely more of a space I want to spend time in:
I would still love to get some piece of artwork to hang over the bed, but I snagged the two lampshades from World Market a while pack and they look great in the room. (They are a bit wobbly on the lamps, but nothing I can’t live with!) And I think eventually I want some more substantial nightstands, but for now this room is pretty much done.
The two chairs I originally bought from to go in our dining room in the last house, but they work perfectly in this room. And of course Lexie has to have her own bed to sleep in!
The curtains were ones I had been eyeing at Pottery Barn, so when the hubs and I went in to get the ones for Baby Girl’s room, I asked about them. Turns out they were on clearance! 30 dollars per panel. So I of course wanted two. The bummer was that the store I was at only had one in stock, but the awesome sales lady at the Galleria tracked another one down and had it shipped to me! SCORE!
These windows stay closed most of the time since we can see directly into our neighbors backyard (and therefore they can see directly into our room…) So I really didn’t need anything functional so much as just pretty. And these guys do the trick perfectly!
I love the way our room turned out! And with a view into our master bathroom that got a major paint makeover too, I am not complaining!
Do you remember where it started?
Talk about an improvement!!