My Favorite Thing

I don’t really have a post today, except that it is one of my favorite days of the year… when everyone else in the US tunes in to college basketball and just about ANYTHING can (and will) happen.  Its the first day of March Madness!! (okay so technically they played four games the last few days, but seriously… it starts today)


My family has been known to travel crazy distances to watch the Jayhawks play in the tourney (as a freshman in college my brothers and I drove from New Orleans to Lawrence overnight to make it back for class the next day… a 16ish hour drive… brutal after a devastating loss to Syracuse), and you can bet that almost all of us will be skipping work tomorrow afternoon to watch the ‘hawks play.


I even drug my about to be husband to a championship game against Kentucky in 2012.  Slowly but surely I’m indoctrinating him.

This year promises to be one of the more unpredictable for the Kansas squad, and we’ve definitely been on the wrong side of a few of those upsets that make March so unpredictable, but I wouldn’t change it for the world!

Let the madness begin!!


Happy New Year! I hope you are all excited for 2014!

2013 was a wonderful year for me with lots of exciting things happening (most notably our wedding) but I am always excited for a new year and the possibilities it brings.  As I look forward to this year I know it will be a crazy busy one… just the first three months alone will be crazy busy at work, my twin brother is getting married and many other exciting things! I’ve never been much of a resolution kind of girl in the past, but I am really liking the goal setting of my 30 before 30 list so I thought maybe I’d try out the resolution thing here on the blog!

  1. Finish said 30 Before 30 List
  2. Be more positive–I find myself increasingly more cynical and therefore not the person I want to be and I think making a conscious effort to be more positive will have a major impact on that
  3. Get to a healthier me– cook more, workout more, eat less/better
  4. Help other people out–I find myself thinking about really great things I can do for other people: friends, strangers, my husband, family, but rarely do I find myself following through on those ideas… so I’d like to accomplish a few more of them.
  5. Be more reflective–spend more time writing in a journal, praying, meditating

Five feels like a good number, so we’ll stop there.  I realize as I write these that most of these resolutions really center around having more time, which is something I rarely find myself with excess of, so maybe that is my one true resolution… to find more time for the things I care about.

What are your resolutions?

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you all!! I am spending lots of quality time with my family this week, so I’ll be a little MIA around here.  I hope you all enjoyed wonderful Christmas Eve services last night and get to spend time with people you love today!

christmas-card-2013-5-by-7- I’ll see all of you guys next week!