Bonus Room

So I mentioned yesterday that I jumped on the chance to buy this bookshelf from World Market when it was for sale.  I’d been on the lookout for a bookshelf for this room, because we didn’t want to hang shelves on the wall in this room, but still needed a space to store our board games.  Until this week they have been in boxes in Baby Girl’s closet, but I’m wanting to get working on putting her room together, so I needed to move those out of there and into their proper space! (See what I mean about snowballing projects?!?!) Anyway, the bookshelf I found is a nice large bookshelf and compared to other options (I checked out this from Crate & Barrel and this from Ballard Designs) for a similar size and style, this one was a steal! So I ordered it online for pickup in the store, and went in the rain Monday night to retrieve it.

Funny story, this fits in my small SUV, but only if you move the passenger seat ALL THE WAY up and lean it forward.  Which meant when I went out to my car later that night to get something but hadn’t moved the seat back, the headrest and seat leaning forward looked an AWFUL lot like a person in my passenger seat and nearly scared the bejeezus out of me.

So Wednesday on my lunch break (when I was working from home) I put this bad boy together.  It took me the full hour to put together by myself, but it wasn’t complicated at all.  And it comes with things to secure it to the wall to prevent it from tipping… so before baby girl comes, we’ll be putting those on.

And now it looks like this:


I definitely have a bit more work on ‘styling’ it, but I was able to unpack all of those last boxes (hooray!!) and get them out of Baby Girls Room.  Which speaking of Baby Girl’s room, I’ve been making some progress in there, so I’ll give you a quick glimpse of that on Monday!


Practically this room serves two purposes: a workout room for my husband (see the weights in the picture above) and a game room for when we have youth over from the youth group.  We have a Wii connected to the TV (and a play station in the drawers if someone wants to play that), board games easily accessible, and my husband’s Multicade/Galaga machine; this room definitely serves its purpose!  And I think I finally get to say I have one mostly complete room in the house!



Source List, in case you are curious:

Curtains: Emery Linen/Cotton Drapes from Pottery Barn 

Wall Color: Light French Gray- Sherwin Williams

Bookshelf: Emerson Bookshelf from World Market

Dresser: refinished for our old house

Stool: purchased from Target

Couch and recliner: hand me down La-Z-Boy

& Pillow: Hobby Lobby

How to Put Up a Picture Frame

Step 1: Receive awesome picture frame as wedding present. (With a special meaning to you… totally unbeknownst to the gift giver… see story below)

Step 2: Approximately 2 months later find perfect location to place afore mentioned awesome picture frame. See this picture posted from November of last year? Yeah… picture frame is up with the standard black and white picture that was included.


Or two weeks ago when I posted about our garland in the bonus room:



3. Wait 2 months, need to order some pictures for a shower you are hosting,  and decide to add on a picture to put in this frame you have been nicely displaying of two total strangers.  Choose a picture and wait for the mail to arrive.

4. 3 days later, get mail, hurriedly open the package because you can’t wait to see your pictures. Set pictures on counter.

5. A week later get tired of moving the pictures around the kitchen counter where they won’t get bent or spilled on and add them to the pile at the bottom of the stairs to take up next time you go (which you rarely do because you are really in a hurry every time you run up and down the stairs).

6. Take picture upstairs and set it in front of the picture frame to ensure it looks good.


7. Leave it this way for 5 months because for the life of you, you can’t remember to bring a screwdriver upstairs to unscrew the plastic covering to put your picture in… despite the fact that you had AT LEAST 2 screwdrivers strewn all over the floor in front of this shelf the entire time you redid the laundry room

8. And there you have it folks… your 1+ year process of putting up a picture frame… courtesy of yours truly.



This is a totally true story. I was talking to a couple of my good friends about this blog and specifically the never-ending to do list of owning a home in general. And how everyone has those things that they walk by in the house a million times and they just never seem to get done.  This is a lot of how my spring has gone… And now we are venturing towards the halfway mark of the year and I’m not sure where the time has gone, or when I’ll catch my breath. (I’m sure never…) But its a great life, and I am grateful for all of the busyness that fills my days… even when (and maybe especially when) it takes me a year to put a simple picture in a simple frame.

And speaking of that frame, this frame has a story.  It was a wedding gift from a great couple in our church. I’m fairly certain they don’t even know how special this frame is to me. We opened it after we got back from our honeymoon, and I couldn’t believe the phrase on it: All my love, all my life.  You see… I have the greatest parents in the world.  And they have always shown me what it is like to truly love someone, how to be excellent parents, great friends and to love and serve others first. I have always been grateful to have been shown what an excellent marriage looks like. Yes they fight and get upset, but they love, REALLY LOVE each other. One of the things they have always said to each other is AML AML: all my love, all my life.  It is something I grew up hearing them say, write on gifts to each other and knew it was one of the ways in which they told each other they loved the other person.  I have never heard it anywhere else until I saw this present.

It was such a beautiful gift to be able to think about their life together and love for each other as my husband and I are starting our journey together, even if it did take a year to be finalized. But maybe that’s the point… we will love each other always, through the ups and downs, the busys and the not so busys, all my love, all my life.

Chalkboard Garland

I got a great gift for Christmas that I just hadn’t found the perfect place for yet, but as I was upstairs in our bonus room I spied the perfect place for it!  The gift was a cute chalkboard garland that has 6 circles of chalkboard hung on some brown twine.


When we hung the shelves in our bonus room I remember thinking… it really needs something over the TV to fill the empty void.  This turned out to be the perfect size! So I added in the words to one of my favorite hymns: “It is well with my soul” on the first five circles and on the 6th wrote the words to the first verse:

When peace like a river, attendeth my soul

When sorrows like sea billows roll

Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say

It is well, It is well with my soul

Its a beautiful hymn and one that reminds me of the small towns I grew up in.



I think it filled the space nicely! I wrote the words with a chalk marker so they would be clearer.  Voila… easy project.
