Hello? Is this thing on? I’ve still been in my post baby blog hiatus (not really intentional… more of a necessity) and haven’t posted in a while, because things have been CRAZY. But I do want to keep up the monthly posts for Taylor and will hopefully be jumping back on the blogging train very soon… my brother and sister-in-law have been doing some AMAZING things at their new casa and I can’t wait to show you some of those.
Milestones: Oh man, she has had a lot of milestones in the last month! She can roll over from front to back (mostly because she isn’t a fan of tummy time!), she loves to blow raspberries, she laughed, she is grasping toys much better and even reaches out for things that she wants… sort of. Right on target she moved out of her 0-3 month clothes and into 3-6 month, which made me sad to move all of her cute tiny clothes into the attic storage! 8 weeks marked the end of my maternity leave, so she started at daycare, which has gone pretty smoothly and she seems perfectly content there. Although you wouldn’t know it from her first day of school picture:
She also had her first trip to the arboretum and during this month got to be much more of a social butterfly since we could go out in public post shots.
She got to go swimming for the first time… and she didn’t hate it! It did however WEAR HER OUT.
She also got baptized at our church by her Uncle Arthur and Papa Scott (my dad). It was such a sweet ceremony and she looked awfully precious!!
Likes: My little nugget still loves to eat and is growing fast, she is over 13 lbs now! She likes holding onto fingers and standing up. She loves people, and very much dislikes being left out of a group of people. She loves to crane her neck and watch the world around her. She loves my dad, so far he’s been the only one to make her laugh, but mom-win I got it on video!
Dislikes: Being alone, having a dirty diaper (I mean seriously, who wouldn’t), shots–the first time I heard her TRULY ANGRY. She doesn’t like being cold and wet, so post-bath time isn’t very fun. She also doesn’t like when you wipe her nose.
Mom loves: her crooked smile–she now smiles whenever you smile at her and it is SO FREAKING CUTE. I love when she blows raspberries and mimics you doing things. I love that she is a pretty good sleeper and that she is a very calm, chill child!
This has been a pretty fun adventure so far, I can’t wait to see what the future holds!