So I said I would do updates every month, and then life got the better of me. Or rather Taylor being sick got the better of me. Towards the end of march and beginning of April, Taylor got a bad case of RSV where she was sick for about 10 days, which then developed into an ear infection, and as soon as we thought we were in the clear for that, she developed a fever again. So we spent about 3 weeks in a haze of sick baby (who would only sleep sitting upright) and trying to keep up with both of our full time jobs. The downside of an excellent daycare? You can’t go if you have had a fever in 24 hours. (I think that’s all daycares… and totally get it, but ugh). So she was out of school for about a week and a half, we went to the ER a few times to do ‘deep suctioning’ which is about as pleasant as it sounds, but all in all we survived, but as you can imagine, blogging took a backseat! So she doesn’t have an 9 month update. Mostly, all her pictures looked like this:
Or if she was feeling better, this:
But here we are, several weeks into feeling better and we are very happy to have our active, happy child back. For about two weeks she wanted to do nothing but sleep and lay on you. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the baby snuggles, but I missed watching her learn and grow and change!
She is eating a little bit of everything, but her favorites are by far bananas and greek yogurt. If she is allowed to feed herself, she loves it even more… I’m pretty sure this is rice cereal she shoved into her mouth by the handful.
She is curious and into everything at this point… definitely testing out our baby-proofing skills.
But we celebrated our first Easter with a quiet Sunday at home because… it snowed 3 inches!! And this was pretty much all of our reactions:
We had another little setback around Easter when we discovered she is allergic to sesame. She had a major allergic reaction after eating hummus at school, so after a few trips to the doc (between that and RSV, we are bffs with our new Pediatrician!), we are now armed with Epi Pens and a whole lot more knowledge. We get the full blood panel back next week, so we have our fingers and toes crossed that it is just sesame and not also peanuts and tree nuts.
But that allergy hasn’t stopped us from growing leaps and bounds. Her daycare already sent over instructions for transitioning up to the next class, which makes me sad that she’ll be leaving these teachers that we have grown to love so much!
She has started sleeping through the night some of the time, which is a welcome change for the husband and me! She doesn’t dislike much, mostly being left alone in a room… even for a second, and she is not a fan of shots or getting her nose suctioned… but let’s be honest… who likes those things?? 3-4 days a week I jog to go get her from school and she seems to enjoy the fresh air of being pushed in the stroller… even if I do get a few strange looks pushing an empty stroller on the way there.
I did attempt to take some 10 month photos… but that’s increasingly hard with a child who likes picking the blocks up! But she did show of some of her new standing skills in one of them!
She weighs 17lbs 12 ounces, has a full head of mostly light brown hair, she says Dada all the time… but has only said Mama once… and that was a month ago. She does like to babble quite a bit, and is VERY proud of herself when she stands up.
She likes to peer around corners looking for Mom or Dad or the dog. She likes bath time and going outside. She LOVES puffs, but isn’t a big fan of meat. And that is pretty much her life these days!!
We are loving every moment of this phase!

I am so sorry that you had so many ER trips and a sick girl. She is such a darling little lady and I can’t wait until I get to snuggle her again! She is beautiful!