So as 2013 comes to a close I am now 7/12ths (or a little over halfway for you non-math types) through my 29th year and New Years always makes me reflect on what I’ve accomplished this year! I came up with this 30 before 30 list just a short bit after my 29th birthday and thought New Years would be a great time to update y’all. I know you are waiting on pins and needles to see if I accomplish my whole list!
My 30 Before 30 list:
Run another half marathonI’m kind of marking this off. I trained and was mostly ready to run this, but the Dallas Marathon was cancelled because of Ice-maggedon. So I kinda half ran it, since the training is half the battle, but I really would love to run another one, so I’ll be registering for another one, but maybe not before my 30th birthday.- Start a vegetable garden
Build my own built-in-closet (modeled after Sandra’s AWESOME closet)Because the timing worked out and I got a friends and family discount, we decided to do Elfa in our closet instead of building a built in one… and it was totally the right choice. It was quick and easy and my closet is STILL organized.- Book a trip to Europe with my husband (and maybe a few friends)
- Find a farmer’s market near my house to visit on a Saturday morning
- Finish my t-shirt quilt (2+years in the making)
Learn to cook 5 new mealsI learned AT LEAST this many during my two weeks of my Whole 30Take my husband to visit my favorite city: Washington DCDONE. And Done.Go see Lion King (kind of cheating… I already have tickets to this… but it’s a show I’ve always wanted to see!)Pay off part of my company debt- Finish another sprint triathlon (again… bonus points if I beat my previous time)
- Build a pergola in my back yard
Help my twin brother fix up his house (as payment for letting me use his pool whenever I want!)Blog posts coming next week on this!Spend a Saturday without ever leaving the house… no projects, just laziness.Thank you Ice-mageddon… but I wouldn’t mind doing this again!Take a weekend getaway to Beaver Creek. (I bought a couple of free nights at a silent auction… now we just have to use them)Check out our visit here.Go Skiing with the church youth group… as an ‘adult’ sponsor.- I’m signed up and ready to go!Get new Christmas Stockings for my husband and I for our first Christmas as a married couple.See how cute they are?- Learn how to put crown molding up in
myour house Give 10% to charity or the church for 2013- Get my husband certified to Scuba Dive–in progress… he is about to sign up in the spring!
Finish changing my name to my married last name… who knew there were so many things to change!?– Just a few more to go! And seriously… American Airlines Miles Program needs more info than my credit card?!- Organize the whole house- no seriously… every cupboard, closet, under every bed.
Take a spa day with a friendJust did this last Saturday– Thanks Ashley!! And seriously, I think I need this about 3-4 times a year. It was A-MAZ-ING.Host a dinner party- Make homemade ice cream
Make a wedding book for each set of our parents and ourselvesDone… I’ll post about this soon!- Save enough money to install double ovens in our kitchen
- Get to my ideal weight- Working on this…
- Get better at using my SLR Camera (kinda hard to measure… but maybe I’ll know it when I get there?)
- Throw a 30th Birthday Party for my twin brother and myself
So I have 14 of the 30 left, and since I’m a little over halfway, I think I’m doing pretty well! I’ll post a few semi-resolutions tomorrow for New Years! I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe New Years Eve… and I’ll see you in 2014! (Seriously… can you believe its 2014??)

You’re making amazing progress!!! I just got an SLR and would love to learn it better along with you 🙂
YAY!! I hope to see tons of beautiful pictures of Baby Kate!
I loved your details about where to go in D.C. We are actually taking our 9 year old this spring break, she is so excited. Any restaurants you would recommend? Kerry
My favorite restaurant ever is Zaytinya, which is Greek tapas food but it is delicious! I’m not sure it has a kid friendly menu (unless your 9 year old is a more adventurous eater). It is located near Gallery Place metro stop. I also love Old Ebbitt’s Grill at 15th and G near the White House. I’ve also heard great things about Founding Farmers at 1924 Pennsylvania NW, a farm to table restaurant but you will need reservations. Hope this helps!
It does! Thank you!!!
Coming this weekend. Want to talk to you about your t-shirt quilt!